Testing Grocery Store Coffee Flavors

I have been testing my device for the past few months with different brands of coffee commonly found at grocery stores around the country. I have listed some thoughts on each one and what I thought of the cold brew taste. I like to use a ratio of 4 parts water to 1 part coffee. I usually add some water/ice depending on the taste of the first sip. All the coffee was taken black.

Dunkin Donuts Original– Commonly found in grocery stores, this coffee makes a good daily drinking cold brew, but it is nothing special. If your looking for specific flavors, try something more specialized or you may need to add something.

Intelligentsia El Diablo Dark– This coffee takes my #1 spot for best coffee. The caramel sweet notes mixed with the dark bold flavor makes an awesome cold brew. Great to drink any time of the day or night.

Wawa Brand Colombian Premium- This coffee takes my #2 spot for best cold brew produced by the device so far. It is a perfect blend of smooth flavor, a slight sweet flavor, and balanced richness. The perfect choice for morning coffee.

Gevalia Chocolate Mocha- Interesting flavor. Heavy chocolate notes. Good for dessert or holidays. .

Folgers- If your’re looking to get great flavor from a cheaper brand of coffee, the cold brew made is excellent for the price. Great value and good base cold brew for you to mix anything else in.

Maxwell House– Similar value to folgers, If your’re looking to get great flavor from a cheaper brand of coffee, the cold brew made is excellent for the price. Great value and good non bitter base cold brew for you to mix anything else in.

Starbucks French Roast – Definitely produced the darkest cold brew batch if you’re looking for color. Taste was intense and smokey. I’m not a huge fan of French Roast, but if this is your style, the flavor extracts great.

Peet’s House Blend– A step up from dunkin and starbucks. Peet’s produces a really great cold brew. Good layers of flavor throughout the cup.

Lavazza Classic Roast- One of the first brands I tried, the classic roast has a good richness and is a great quality morning coffee. Good standard daily drinker that could be taken black or with anything added.

I am excited to hear what everyone’s favorite coffee is once the product launches. I love experimenting with the device to try out different cold brew flavors.